Great Ocean Road Tour on November 5

We are on the Australian/New Zealand tour beginning November 6 and will be at The Langham hotel for a few days beforehand. We are trying to book a Great Ocean Road tour on Sunday, November 5 through They received great reviews from Trip Advisor. There are 11 people maximum on the tour and they are waiting to see if other people sign up before confirming our booking. Would anyone like to join us? Thank you for the advice on sea sickness pills and wrist bands.


  • Hi, Wendy. My husband and I and another couple are booked on the same Tauck tour and look forward to meeting you! We are also arriving a couple days early and are already booked on the Great Ocean tour through another company for that same day. Will look forward to comparing notes. Safe travels! Peggy

  • Hi Peggy, What tour company have you booked? I am waiting for a confirmation from the tour company they have enough people to complete the tour. We arrive November 3 in Melbourne and look forward to meeting you. Wendy
  • Wendy, we went with Autopia--Reverse Great Ocean Road (includes lunch and dinner). We get to Melbourne on Saturday, 11/4, and take the tour the next day. It picks up from the hotel at 7:40am. It was one of the tour companies the hotel concierge recommended and is supposed to have smaller vehicles. If you end up on this tour, let me know so I can look for you!!
  • We did this trip last February 2017. Fabulous! Great Ocean Road Tour don't miss it!
  • nspofford wrote:
    Wendy, we went with Autopia--Reverse Great Ocean Road (includes lunch and dinner). We get to Melbourne on Saturday, 11/4, and take the tour the next day. It picks up from the hotel at 7:40am. It was one of the tour companies the hotel concierge recommended and is supposed to have smaller vehicles. If you end up on this tour, let me know so I can look for you!!
    Thanks Peggy. I am still waiting to hear back from our tour company. If I don't hear back from them in the next few days I will see if we can join your tour on 11/5. Looking forward to meeting you. Wendy

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