May 20, 2018 Departure - Are you interested in cooking classes?

My husband and I are planning to take a Paella class in Barcelona on Saturday night, May 19th, and a Tapas class on our free evening in Madrid, Friday, May 25th. Both classes are a short walk from our hotels. If anyone is interested in these cooking classes, I'd be happy to share the details. We look forward to traveling with you! Maryellen Walsh


  • Hi - we're doing Paradors starting May 21, and will be in Barcelona several days earlier. I'd be very happy to know about your class. Thank you!
  • Hi: We booked a cooking class with Cook and Taste Barcelona at 5pm on Saturday, May 19. It is about a 10 minute walk from the Le Meridien. They don't require advance payment. Maybe we'll see you there!
  • How was the cooking class?
    I'm going in October

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