Amsterdam to Budapest Sept 18 to Oct 2nd

This was our first River Boat Cruise, but our 14th trip with Tauck. It was spectacular, wonderful and friendly. Our weather started with rain in Amsterdam but after that we had sun everyday and temperatures in the 60's and 70's. The staff and crew were the best. Our 150 sq. ft. cabin was fine because the Juliette balcony made it seem bigger. The food was great and the meals in the bistro were extra special. The choices for the tours off the boat were so good that it was difficult to make a choice. The onboard entertainment and lectures were excellent. I also loved the scarf tying session by Julia. Carlos was the best ever. Patricia, Cindy, and Julia kept a sharp eye for us on the tours and were extra helpful for those who are getting up there in years but are unwilling to stop traveling as long as we can manage. We chose one day to stay on the boat. It was a day when the group left the boat and met us further on the river. Six of us felt like we had a private giant yacht. Make sure you allow time to spend up on the sun deck even if it is chilly because that is the best way to take it all in and create your own inner memories. Nancy & Bob from Stewartsville NJ


  • Hi Nancy & Bob,
    I too stayed on board with that day. We had the loveliest day- we all had our own corner of the ship.
    The Tauck staff couldn't do enough for us. Truly for me it was the trip of a lifetime but I think I am hooked and definitely spoiled- I don't think I would travel with another company - they went beyond my expectations and have set the bar high. It is not an inexpensive trip but the expense came at the beginning- I never opened my wallet from Amsterdam to Budapest.
    It was a pleasure meeting you on the ship. I hope our paths will cross again
    Take care
  • We did The Blue Danube:Prague to Budapest last year in June. It was our 3rd Tauck trip. This year we did Hawaii, and S. Africa/Zimbabwe with Tauck. We have two more trips booked in 2018. Since our first trip with Tauck we have not considered any other company to travel with. They have exceeded all expectations and the surprises are amazing.
  • edited October 2017
    We too were on this trip and it was a wonderful time. Every trip has a special first was in Rudesheim at the rudesheimer Schloss. Lunch was such a special fun time. I kept pinching myself because i was really there.

    And my second moment was of course the dinner in Vienna. This was the day I had waited for! This was the event that made the difference for me which river cruise line I chose for this vacation. Tauck, was the only line that offered this special event. We began the day by touring the Schonbrunn Palace. Then we had lunch in the city at Mozart café…apple strudel and coffee.…and tonight a very special dinner in the Palais Pallavicini. We were greeted by gentlemen in tuxedos who offered us Champagne. A 3-piece orchestra played beautiful music. Then after the bell ringing to announce dinner, we were taken to the beautiful dining room. We were served a salad, soup, and veal and ice cream for dessert. While we ate, we were entertained by a 7-piece orchestra…two opera singers and two ballet dancers. It was a magical enchanting evening….one I will never forget. Tauck got this very right.

    This was our first Tauck trip and last week we booked our second...the trip to Zambia, Botswana and south Africa for September 7 2019. We talked to so many folks on the river cruise that recommended we do Africa next...and we listened...and the Tauck trip won my heart with the hotels and the train safari.

    It was so great to meet all of you and i hope our paths cross again!


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