Rental boots for Antartica

We are going on the Antartica trip beginning in Buenos Aires. My question is to anyone who has previously gone on this trip and rented the rubber boots. These boots are European sizes, and I know the size my husband and I wear in street shoes and am just wondering if we should order this same size or get a size bigger to allow for thick socks.


  • Hello -

    I'll also be going on the Antarctica trip with a friend of mine - our tour starts Jan 24. I had the same question about boots and I contacted the rental company and this is the reply I got:

    "You can order the same size as your regular street shoes.

    In case the size is incorrect, you will be able to change your boots directly on board without problem."

    I was concerned because their size equivalents are a bit "off" from my experience - I take a size 8 and know that's a 39 but on their website they say 42. So I'm going to order a 39 and hope they fit, but I was comforted by the statement that we can change to another size without a problem.

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