Oct 4, 2018 - Essence of Japan trip

Good Evening:
Any fellow travelers booked on the Oct 4, 2018 Essence of Japan trip?

Jerry from California


  • Is anyone else going on this trip and arriving a day early? Would be nice to connect with others on this trip. Thanks Jerry
  • Hi Jerry ,

    My husband and I are traveling in a day early to Tokyo.

    Liz Holland
    Ron Vogel
  • Hi Liz & Ron,
    I look forward to meeting you. Any plans for the 'early' day?
  • We are traveling a day early to Tokyo, also. No plans yet for the day. Look forward to meeting all of you. Joe and Valerie Goldstein
  • I look forward to meeting you Joe/Valerie & Liz/Ron
    My flight gets into Narita around 3:45p Any plans for the extra day?
  • Our flight should arrive at 4:40pm day before tour starts. We have no plans for Oct 4 but are open to your suggestions.
  • edited September 2018
    I am arriving on October 3 and meeting two other friends who will be on the tour. I am arriving from Atlanta and friends are from Florida. We will be at the Mandarin Oriental and it would be nice for the Tauck travelers to meet up prior to the tour. I am scheduled to arrive at 2:35 pm on the 3rd at Narita.

    A digital art museum was recommended called Mori digital art museum that looks like a good thing for October 4th. I am interested in this.

  • edited September 2018
    For early arrival in Tokyo I was looking at Ueno Park and the market or the Edo Tokyo museum. It seems like there are quite a few of us arriving early, should be fun. Perhaps we can connect through concierge or front desk. I am hoping the typhoon Kong-rey will not be heading our way ! Looking forward to meeting all of you. Our flight arrives 1:55 Narita. Actually my tour starts the 7th and I'm arriving on the 6th.....I guess there are two tours close together ? ? ?

    Liz Holland
  • My Tauck tour starts evening of the 5th so the days we are on our own are the 4th and 5th until the 6:30 pm reception. I think the idea of letting the concierge know we are here for the Tauck tour would be a good way to connect. Look forward to meeting everyone.

  • As I said in an earlier post, we are set to arrive Oct 4, 4:40 pm. It would be fun to do something with other folks on our tour during the day of October 5. We will let concierge know we are part of the tour when we check in. Joe and Valerie Goldstein

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