Hanoi, Water Puppet Performance

Can anyone share details about the evening “Water Puppet” event on day 2 of this itinerary? Is this by any chance at the Thang Long Water Puppet Theater?


  • edited October 2017
    The pictures I took at the performance in 2014 match pictures I found on-line for the Thang Long Theater. I didn't record the name at the time. So, with a high degree of confidence I'd say that's where you'll be going. Very unusual and interesting show.

    Overall, this was an excellent Tauck tour.
  • edited October 2017
    I do not remember the name of the theater, either. In fact, I don't recall ever hearing the name. While the performance is very interesting and so unique (as this is Tauck, you have excellent seats), but what I remember most and noted in my journal were the musicians and their instruments. There were seven colorfully dressed musicians (male and female), and the instruments they were playing to accompany the performance were fascinating, both in sound and in construction.
    I agree with Portolan...this is a great trip! We were there during the New Year's celebrations which added another layer to our cultural experience!
  • Thanks for the feedback. If it wasn’t the same I was going to book separately the day before our tour begins, but it looks like Tauck has it covered ????
  • Hello.
    Yes it is at the Thang Long Water Puppet Theater. It is actually nice to watch... it is different and well stage.
    I love Hanoi. It was an eye opener as it was my first Tauck trip and to Asia. My guide was Larry, THE BEST EVER TD.
  • I agree 100+++% about Larry!
  • That show was one of the best things in Vietnam. This is an awesome trip, and we had Les as the guide last March. Truly one of a kind.

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