January 12, 2018. Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand

Hi travelers, my wife Joy and I are taking this trip. We’re getting into Hanoi the night of the 10th. Anyone else on this trip and any suggestions for the 11th and early part of the 12th in Hanoi? Contact us at djlje@aol.com if you’d like.
Thanks, David


  • We are arriving on the 9th of January early. We will spend the 10th doing a street food tour and a sidecar tour of Hanoi. Early on the 11th, we will go to Halong Bay for an overnight cruise returning the morning of the 12th. Anyone with whom I have spoken have highly recommended doing an overnight on Halong Bay. Finding Egg Coffee or Coconut Coffee could also involve a day as well.

    We look forward to meeting you at dinner on the 12th, if we don't run into you earlier.
    Glenn & Patty

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