Leela Palace car service or just get a taxi

Hello Everyone,

I have planned a day trip for myself before the start of the tour and would like your advice. Would it be better to hire the Leela Palace car service to drop me off at the meeting place and pick me up right afterwards or would it be better to just hire a taxi?

Thanks for your help!


  • Lucky you -- I was on this trip last February. It was AMAZING. We arrived a few days early at the Leela Palace and the conciege arranged for a driver and guide. It was wonderful - a bit pricy - but well worth the money. We were delayed at the airport with the long, long lines for the e-visa travelers. We got to the hotel 2 hours later than we expect. Our guide and driver were waiting for us, but we were only charged for the time we were with them. Inasmuch as this was our first time in India, we were overwhelmed with the masses of people, colors, smells and scenes.. We went to the old market near the Red Fort and we felt very comfortable having a guide. He navigated our passage through the crowds and assisted with our small purchases. He was able to secure us tuk tuk rides through the market. And of course, he was always watching over us, guiding us and providing interesting commentary. As we became more comfortable over the ensuring weeks, we felt more comfortable venturing out with cab drivers and had wonderful (and safe) experiences traveling independently around. Our incredible TD usually gave instructions to our drivers.

    Soun80 -- have a fantastic time in India...a trip of a lifetime!!!

  • We stayed at the Leela Palace in February and had their car take us to a location for sightseeing. We took a taxi back to the hotel and it was a big mistake. While more expensive I would recommend you have the Leela car service take you both ways. We thought the Leela Palace was terrific.
  • soun80 wrote:
    Hello Everyone,

    I have planned a day trip for myself before the start of the tour and would like your advice. Would it be better to hire the Leela Palace car service to drop me off at the meeting place and pick me up right afterwards or would it be better to just hire a taxi?

    Thanks for your help!
  • Hi, I’m just back from India and through this Forum met an American couple who invited me to spend the spare day with them, with Leila Hotel driver only, worked extremely well. They planned to visit Akshardham, a relatively new attraction, but a wonderful site to visit, interesting journey to get there too. Enjoy. Drivers excellent.
  • Thank you everyone for your thoughtful advice. I will schedule car service with Leela. This is the trip of a lifetime so I want to make sure I don't skimp on the details.

    Thanks again!

  • Leela palace car services is best. you will enjoy the trip.

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