Electrical convertors?

Not sure of the electrical system in Australian and New Zealand. Have convertors from European travel and so is that enough? Other suggestions for be sure to bring -- I saw bug spray and sea sickness pills -- others?


  • edited November 2017
    If you are charging devices like iPhones, and camera batteries that have charger INPUT of 100-250 volts and 50-60Hz, then all you need are a few adapters. The ungrounded one has two prongs at an angle and the grounded ones have the same two angled prongs and a vertical prong. Search online and easy to find what you need. We used IEC Type I. They are relatively inexpensive so we generally take 4 as we've been known to leave one behind. You'll need plenty of sunscreen, a broad cap like a Tilley, and think about layers as temperatures were quite different between the outback and New Zealand. Check out weather spark for historical and current conditions. Happy travels down under. Fabulous trip.

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