Dinner Dress Code

Hi All - looking forward to our upcoming Christmas Market riverboat cruise. Would like to know if men must wear a sports coat for dinner or if a collared shirt or sweater is appropriate. Thanks for any info. you can give me.


  • We did a Danube cruise in July. many of the men wore a collared shirt and slacks, and some a sport coat. For the welcome and farewell dinners, most wore a shirt, tie and sport coat or suit. Whatever works for you is acceptable.
  • We went on the Rhine Christmas Market 2 years ago and many men wore holiday sweaters and/or collared shirts most nights. Several wore sport coats, don't think anyone wore a suit to the farewell dinner.
  • Christmas market cruises are much more casual than regular river cruises. We often did not change for dinner - just put on dressier shoes. Holiday sweaters and sweatshirts were worn by many. I don't remember seeing any suits or ties.

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