pre and post July 9, 2018 tour

1. We are arriving on Saturday, July 7. we're game for dinner with anyone arriving early.

2. We booked a trip to Kaunos and the Ponar Forest for Sunday, July 8 (car and guide) and a 1/2 day walking tour of Jewish Vilnius for Monday, July 9 in the morning. We added the Ponar Forest to the Kaunos trip that appears on since it made sense logistically.

If anyone is interested, please contact Daniel Gurevich and tell him you would like to join us. 390 euros/2. the price would be less for 4 or more.

We have booked 3 tours with

1.On Sunday, July 22, the day the Tauck trip ends, we will be taking the train to Suzdal in the Golden Ring and returning to Moscow that evening (with a guide). Suzdal is a top day trip from Moscow.

2. monday July 23, we will do a classic Jewish tour: Choral Synagogue, Lubavichi Synagogue, JCC+Jewish medical center+ charity center, and the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.

3. Tuesday July 24 we will visit: WWII museum, Holocaust memorial synagogue, Private museum of Jewish history and the Novodevichy cemetery.

If you think you would like to join us, please contact Irina Chulkova for details.

Looking forward to the trip.


  • Carol,
    Hi ! My husband and I are signed up for the same trip as you. We would like to join you on the tour on the 8th and the half day tour on the 9th with Jerulita. I contacted the tour guide, daniel and wanted to try and connect with you. Let me know if you would like my email . I asked Daniel at Jerulita to also send it to you so we could connect prior to the trip.
    Thanks, Sherry ( and Larry)
  • edited February 2018
    Carol-- Thanks so much for your helpful post. I am also going on the July 9 trip. I will be arriving on July 8, but won't be arriving in time to join you. However I was able to contact the other tour company you had suggested and, barring other circumstances, I hope to join you on July 22 to go to Suzdal. See you soon! Jan L
  • Jan- sorry for the late reply. just figured out how to use the forum "watch" feature! If you would like to join the 1/2 day walk on Monday, I think Daniel would adjust the fee. Look forward to meeting you.
  • Hi Carol -- First, I am on board to go to Suzdal on July 22. Second, I have emailed Daniel per your kind invitation for the 1/2 day tour on July 9. I am waiting for details, cost etc.
    I look forward to meeting you as well
  • Hi Carol, my husband and I would like to join in the tour on July 8th if there is space. We had sent Daniel and email and are waiting for a reply. Hope to be with you on the 8th.

  • Delighted you can join us. See you soon.

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