Arriving a day early for the 24 Jul 18 Iceland: Land of Fire and Ice tour - Options

For those who have gone before, we arrive early morning the day prior to tour start and were looking for maybe a half day tour to see some of the areas we might not see on the Tauck tour. We'll be staying at the Hilton. I realize a visit to the Blue Lagoon is included in the last day of the tour. Would anyone recommend a pre-visit at the Lagoon. I'm assuming it's not too far from the hotel. Thanks!


  • I did this tour a few years ago and was able to spend a few extra days in Iceland. One day we took the Hop On Hop Off and rode around Reykjavik. We went to the Settlement Museum which had the "ruins" of the first settlement dating back to 471. We also went to the huge church which Tauck also stopped at. The advantage that we had was we were able to go to the top of the tower and had a great view of the city.

    Another day we took the tour to the Reykjanes Peninsula with the Blue Lagoon option with Viator. This took us to places that were not included with Tauck. The most fascinating place that I found on this tour was that you were standing on the North America and European continental plates. This meant that I could say that I was in both Europe and North America at the same time! We added the Blue Lagoon because we did not want to have to pack wet bathing suits for the flight home. We also opted to pay extra to have a private changing area. With Tauck, you were in the public area.

    Another friend traveling with us decided to take the Viking Horse Riding and Blue Lagoon tour, also Viator. She had the opportunity to ride the horses which have a special gait to them.

    I enjoyed this tour immensely and hope to return someday. My problem is there are too many other places that I also want to see.

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