June 10 Red Rocks & Painted Canyons

Any kids going? Ours are ages 13 (almost 14 yo girl), 12 yo boy, 8 yo girl. We look forward to meeting everyone!


  • We are a family: 2 active grandparents, a mom & dad, one boy 9 years old. Look forward to meeting you.
    Janice V
  • We are two grandparents from Maryland and our 10-year-old grandson from Naperville IL. We took his two sisters on the Cowboy Country trip a few years ago; they still talk about the wonderful memories.

    Looking forward to this trip, but also wondering about extending a day in Las Vegas. We can think of a few things he'd enjoy in Vegas -- the High Roller (Ferris wheel), Mac King's family-friendly magic show, Treasure Island pirate show -- anyone have other thoughts?

    Bob and Jacque Leedom
  • The kids love the Mac King show which we saw this year at the end of our Canyonlands tour. Lots of children were in the audience. The Blue Man group is at the Luxor which is next door to your hotel. It has lots of loud noise, colorful lighting effects and visual humor which a 10 year old should like (adults too). Warning: if you sit on the first four rows they give you a plastic tarp to protect against the flying paint (washable I would suspect).

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