Places for dinner in Peggy's Cove

We have a free evening in Peggy's Cove...any suggestions for dinner?


  • There is a restaurant at Peggy's Cove. Make sure to have the fish chowder.

    Also there are several artist studios there

    Peggy's Cove is very scenic.

  • If you are on an Eastern Canada tour with Tauck, according to the itinerary, you are not in Peggy’s Cove for dinner. I can’t imagine a “Tauck-worthy” hotel there. Both Tauck tours return to Halifax after Peggy’s Cove where dinner is on your own. While we ate at some good places in Halifax, our best meals were at the Prince George Hotel. I’m sure the TD will give you recommendations. We toured this area on our own, and I recall that Peggy’s Cove was pretty remote. The lighthouse is cool, with a warning sign that states, “WARNING...injury and death have rewarded careless sight seers here...The ocean and rocks are treacherous...savor the sea from a distance”! There is also a very beautiful and moving memorial dedicated to those who perished (229 people) off the shores on Swissair Flight 111 in 1998. This info from my photos from our trip...the Bay of Fundy is so fascinating...low tide is unbelievable...

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