Peru, June 12 2018

Hello! Anyone else on this trip? My sister, Michelle and I are excited to see Peru, Ecuador and cruise the Galápagos Islands! This will be our third trip with Tauck and we are looking forward to meeting our fellow travel mates.... the people that we have met on our previous trips have really added to our wonderful experiences. We are two sisters in our mid 40s who leave the guys behind and travel together ever year. This is our 24th year of Sister Trips.


  • Hi Dee my name is Jim. My wife, two daughters and brother and sister-in-law will be on the Peru/Galapagos trip. We are very much looking forward to this adventure. This will also be our third trip with Tauck. Look forward to meeting you.
  • Hi Jim and Dee.. i am Vivienne...I and my 18 year old granddaughter will be traveling on the June 26 trip, arriving a day early. I am looking forward to the trip but am a bit concerned about the activity level. We are traveling from California...this is my 9th or 10th Tauck trip.
  • Hi Jim, excited to meet you on the trip! Sounds like you have a good crew going. Where else have you traveled with Tauck. Michelle and I did the Elegant South Africa trip in 2014, and the Australia/New Zealand trip in 2016. LOVED both! Really looking forward to this trip and seeing the wildlife in the Galapagos.

    Hi Vivienne - how wonderful you are able to take such an adventure with your grandchild - great memories to create! I hope you both have a wonderful time. You have definitely been on a lot of Tauck trips - what has been your favorite?
  • Hi Dee. My wife and I did the Blue Danube trip with some friends and this past summer we did the Yellowstone and Grand Tetons tour with the same group that are on this tour. This was our warm-up for the Peru/Galapagos tour since it was fairly active with walking. The altitude was also close at about 8,000 feet.

    Hi Vivienne. My daughters will be 21 and 27 so your granddaughter will have someone else to hang with. Interested to hear about all the different trips you have been on with Tauck.

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