Who is going Eastbound Starting May 24, 2018

We are Steve and Fern, traveling from the NYC area. Is there anyone else on here who will be part of the May 24th Eastbound departure? We look forward to meeting everyone.


  • I'd appreciate it if you would report back as to the air pollution in the cities you visited. I'm wondering if the mask will be enough for me, as I have mild asthma.
    Debbie in FL
  • Hi Steve and Fern, this is Steve and Alessandra and we will be joining you on the trip. Looking forward to meeting you. When do you fly into Beijing? We arrive May 23rd - look forward to meeting you.
  • We will be arriving the evening of the 23rd, landing at the airport around 8:30, then whatever it takes to get to the hotel. Where do you hail from?

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