traveling in August

We are signed up for the August 15, 2018 departure of the Russian Glories, Baltic Treasures tour. This is a bucket list trip we are gifting ourselves to celebrate our 50th anniversary.

I'm wondering about the weather in those regions that time of year. If any Tauck travelers have taken this tour in August in the past please give me your thoughts about clothing. Should we be prepared to dress for summer temperatures or be geared for fall temps?


  • We arrived in Lithuania on September 1st of 2015 to take this tour. Although Helsinki was further north, we needed the heaviest protection from clothing at Petrodvorets (at the Peterhof). I wore a red fox tank commander's hat with the ear flips down and the strap secured under my chin; it matched my maroon ski jacket (and I wore leather gloves). I also packed a maroon corduroy jeans jacket (and photos of me in Moscow show that it was buttoned to the neck).

    Although my fellow passengers laughed at my attire (and I was photographed by other tourists), others from my Tauck group appeared the next day with fur hats. The hats rode in our laps when we were indoors, but it was certainly nice to have the option of protection when we were near the North Sea.

  • Thanks for the warning KatherynH. I had a feeling we were going to need heavier clothing even in August.

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