Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand - January 25, 2019 - fellow travelers?

We will be doing the Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand tour beginning January 25, 2019. I noticed that the tour is already sold out, so we are hoping to make contact with other people who will be doing the tour.

We are planning a pre-trip excursion to Ha Long Bay, although we haven't decided on the cruise company/boat or between the 2D/1N versus 3D/2N option. It might be nice to coordinate with other tour members on the pre-tour.

We are also considering a post-tour several day excursion to Phuket Island after the tour ends in Bangkok. Has anyone already traveled to that area or done research on good places to stay for a quiet relaxing end to the tour?


  • I think you will find fellow travellers on your arrival at some place. For Halong Bay, you can do 1 night on junk and 1 night on Cat Ba island (3D2N). However, I would prefer a 3D2N tour in Bai Tu Long Bay instead of Halong Bay.

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