Visiting the Christmas Markets in the Evening

My wife and I will be traveling on the Westbound December 2nd trip leaving from Vienna in 2018. I often come across images of the Christmas markets at night. Does anyone know if we will have the opportunity to visit any of the Christmas markets in the evening on this trip? I'm sure the visual experience in the evening is quite different with all the Christmas lights than compared to the daylight hours. Thanks for your time.


  • edited March 2018
    This last Christmas (Dec 2017) I was on the Danube tour from Nuremberg, Germany to Vienna, Austria. We did visit several towns, including Vienna, and Linz, Austria after visiting Salzburg earlier in the day at night. Which ever Christmas Market you visit, it will be crowded, I can assure you. LOL. :-)
  • tomh

    Thanks for your reply. Hopefully we will have the opportunity to see the markets at night at a few of the other stops. We will be arriving in Vienna 2 days before the trip so I know weather permitting that we will have the opportunity to visit the market at night in Vienna. Thanks again for your time.
  • I'm on the Danube cruise from Nuremberg to Vienna starting Dec. 16. I did the Rhine Christmas Markets in 2015, and if the Danube cruise is anything like that one, we will hopefully see some night markets.

    I have photos from at least three different towns where we were at night markets on the Rhine. You're right...they are truly beautiful with the lights. I loved that trip, which is why I'm taking the second one. It was one of my favorites of the 11 tours I've taken with Tauck. We just don't have anything like them in California!
  • Regarding night markets, the itinerary says that we visit the market at night in Vienna our first evening. It looks as if we also visit the market in Linz in the evening and, since it does get dark early in winter, we may be at the Nurnberg market after dark. I will also be in Vienna from the 29th of November for the December 2 sailing. I have not traveled with Tauck before, but have heard many excellent reports. I am looking forward to the trip....I love Christmas markets and Christmas in general!
  • SFTraveler,

    This will be our 3rd trip with Tauck. The other two were both land based trips over the last two summers. We enjoyed those two trips enough to try this river cruise. Hopefully either one of us will be disappointed with the river cruise experience. It will be nice just to unpack once after spending a few nights in Vienna.

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