July 10, 2018 trip - what to pack

Hi -
My husband and I will be on the trip departing July 10, 2018. We are arriving a day early. Just wondering if anyone else out there will be on the trip with us. Very excited about this trip and looking forward to meeting our fellow travelers! Love Tauck and have been on several trips with them before. Just have some concerns about how to pack for the weather. Any advice?

Thanks -


  • We also will be on the July 10 Trip. There are six of us, three couples. We will be arriving 2 days earlier (Sunday). We are staying at the Hilton. On Monday we are taking a full day trip to the interior (Landmannalauger), so won’t be doing anything else that day. The day we arrive we will be doing the Hop On Hop Off bus in Reykjavik. We just got together a couple of days ago to discuss and the pack list consists of layering. Our only question is whether to bring a heavy warm jacket. Depends on how cold it gets on the north coast. I have Reykjavik on my weather app and will check the 10 day forecast before we leave. Will probably add Akureyri closer to pack time, not sure if I can get forecast for Grimsey. Hope to meet you soon.

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