Ireland Forever 8/5/18

We are excited try our first adventure outside of North America and our first adventure with Tauck. My husband, Gary, and I will be traveling with our two boys, Grant (12) and Grayden (9.5). Gary's mom and Uncle are joining us too. Looking forward to meeting other families and making memories together.

Natalie from Denver, CO


  • Hi Natalie and family.

    We will be on the same tour, I think. We are a family of four from the Denver suburbs and have two boys (ages 11 and 13). We are going with our cousins a family of four with a boy and a girl (13 and 15) and our grandparents as well. Are you travelling directly to Dublin from Denver?


    DC from Denver, CO
  • Just saw your post. Sorry for delayed response. Too funny that we are both from Colorado. We actually live in Lakewood. We will be traveling independently in Iceland before the tour. Thanks to Icelandair for the cheap, direct tickets from Denver! Looks like we should have a nice group with us. Tauck told me there were 9 boys (8, 9, 10, 11*3, 12, 13, 14) and 6 girls (7, 10, 15*3 - looks like I am missing one girl age) on the tour. Combined, looks like we account for 5 of the boys and 1 girl. Looking forward to meeting your family in a couple of weeks!

    Since I obviously do not check this forum often, my e-mail is if you are interested in replying.


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