Amsterdam to Budapest June 16, 2018

We are first time river cruisers and are very excited about this cruise. We plan to stay in Budapest for 3 days after the cruise and have 2 private tours booked. One is a half day walking and the other is a full day by car. We are looking for one more couple to join us. If you are interested contact me at Barry dot Lori at bell dot net.
We are from Toronto area in Canada.


  • we're first-timers on this cruise as well! Former New Englanders, now retired to eastern NC. We're staying in Amsterdam for 2 days prior, at the Renaissance hotel, near the Central station. Look us up if you want to do some walking or dinner. Sorry, we're leaving Budapest right after the trip.
    Looking forward to meeting you, love Toronto!!

    Mary & George Francis
  • Hi Mary and George
    We have a free walking tour planned for June 15 at 2:00. If you are interested in this you can check it out at
    We have used this type of tour many times before and find them fun and interesting. You pay the guide what you think the tour is worth. We could do the tour then grab a drink after. If you are interested you can email me at, and if this isn’t your thing we can have that drink on the ship.
  • we're doing Anne Frank at 10:30 that morning, so that tour may work. I'll check it out!
  • Consider doing Free Walking Tours in Budapest, too. The "Communist Tour" that I did in 2014 (can't believe it was that long ago!) was great. Meet up at Vorosmarty Ter. You can google it.

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