Lyon airport

At the end of our Savoring France tour we were to fly from Lyon to Amsterdam. Our TD informed us that Lyon airport can be confusing (total understatement); so Tauck would have someone meet us at the airport to guide us to the ticket counter. Typically French, the Lyon airport is absolutely beautiful to look at...but we would have been at a loss as to how to negotiate it without the assistance of the promised guide. It was better than that! Some of us were flying KLM; others Air France. Each group had a guide to lead them through to their designated counter. A perfect Tauck ending to a lovely Tauck trip!


  • Sounds like things worked out for you. We are on this trip May 23rd, and will be leaving on Lufthansa forMunich/Newark on June 1, I am worried because I have noticed that some of the flights have bee canceled by Lufthansa in recent weeks! How was the cruise?

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