July 23, 2018 Castles on the Rhine Southbound


My granddaughter, Charlotte age 11 and I, Denise McGuire, will be traveling on this tour. We hail from San Diego, California, and will arrive Amsterdam two days early to rest up and tour Amsterdam. Any ideas on must sees in Amsterdam ?


  • edited April 2018
    We'll be there in a couple of weeks to begin a Rhine & Moselle southbound trip. Here are some things from our list your granddaughter might be interested in:

    Corrie ten Boom house: https://www.corrietenboom.com
    Anne Frank house: http://www.annefrank.org/en/
    Zaanse Schans: https://www.dezaanseschans.nl/en/

    I see the Rijksmuseum is not on your tour, so you may want to give that a go if she likes art. But get tickets ahead of time for early in the morning when it first opens--it will be very crowded, but less so than later in the day.
  • Thanks for your quick reply.. Will definitely look into these... Have a super trip !

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