Attire for Tour

Since this is apparently a new tour for 2018, I checked the Great Canadian Rockies Forum. Here is a post from 2017 regarding the attire which is probably applicable for our tour. So I am NOT planning to bring a sport coat on the June 14-25, 2018! All agree? Any comments from Tauck?

"We have just returned home from the Grand Canadian tour....and I'm ready to go back! Our dates were June 13-22, so I'm thinking we had cooler weather than you will in August. The glacier was where we experienced the coldest temps....maybe an hour total and we just layered sweaters under windbreakers and were fine.....some women had on sandals but that day I wore little boots and was glad for them. Also recommend water-resistant windbreakers....we had one day of rain and with our jackets we were warm and dry! My husband and son packed casual khakis and jeans for daytime, long sleeved shirts, windbreakers, polar-tech vests. For evening they wore nice khakis and light sweaters or long sleeve woven shirts. They had tennis-type shoes and walking shoes for day and loafers for evening. I have to admit I am a very light packer and, for me, I had plenty of clothes. I took casual slacks, jeans and light cotton sweaters for day. I also had a windbreaker. For evening I either wore my casual slacks and a dressy blouse or a simple dress with sweater. My footwear: my well-worn All-arounders, a pair of light weight ankle boots, slip-on tennies, and some nice sandals for dinners. I actually made an invaluable but inexpensive purchase for this trip ...a light weight, SMALL RDIF cross-body bag with clasps that 'locked' the zippers so I felt very secure in crowds.....this was a huge improvement over a full-size, heavy, leather handbag. It could accommodate our 3 passports, had slots for ID/credit cards (so I didn't need a wallet), and a few personal items. Also I pack all our old undergarments and pajamas and, believe it or not, I throw them out along the way...leaving a little space in our suitcases for a few small purchases.
We were in Vancouver 2 days before the tour began and spent one full day at Stanley Park....highly recommend. Tauck gives you two+ hours at Butchart Gardens and we chose to stay an additional 3 hours and took a city bus back to our hotel...worked great and we loved the gardens.
Hope your trip is as wonderful as ours!"


  • We did the Canadian Rockies and Glacier National Park a couple years ago. Strictly casual or western attire. You should be prepared for both cold and hot.

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