Malta to Rome trip aboard the La Ponant

My wife and I plan to make this trip in June,2018. I would be very interested in:

A) clothes packing recommendations for the climate in Italy at this time (June) of the year.

B) which "Shore excursions" we're "must see" adventures on this trip?

C) is there anything that you did NOT pack that would have been helpful for the trip?

D) we are spending a couple of extra days in Rome at the end of the trip. In addition to those "attractions" that we will visit as part of the Tauck trip
can anyone offer other recommendations as to other "attractions" that we should add to our itinerary?


  • We are also taking this tour in June but are beginning in Rome. We have booked an underground Colosseum tour for some of our extra time in Rome. We did Classic Italy a few years ago. While in Rome, we visited the Pantheon, the Victor Emmanuel Monument and of course Trevi Fountain. We walked to these sites from our hotel and enjoyed seeing them. For those of us interested, our tour director also arranged a night tour of some of the sites (exterior only). I am not sure the company she used, but seeing them lit at night certainly added a nice perspective to some of the sites we had visited during the day - the Colosseum, Victor Emmanuel Monument, Trevi Fountain and St. Peter's Basilica were some of the places we stopped. If that sounds like something you would be interested in, you could check on-line for the different companies offering these tours. Enjoy your trip!

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