August 15, 2018 departure Russian Glories/Baltic Treasures

We are taking advantage of Tauck's gift of time option to arrive in Vilnius a day early for the August 15, 2018 tour. Are there others on this tour date arriving early that would be interested in getting acquainted? We are from Olathe, KS.


  • We are arriving a day early and will look forward to seeing you. We are Carolyn and Jim from Auburn, AL.
  • I am a solo traveler and arriving a day early, as well. I am Denise from Wheaton, Il.
  • Hello Carolyn and Jim from Auburn, and Denise from Wheaton. We are Rich and Cheryl Wunder from Olathe, KS. We fly out of Kansas City on the 13th. We look forward to meeting you in Vilnius.

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