Russain Glories/Baltic Treasures July 29, 2018

My husband and I are taking that trip and are going in a day early.


  • Lynn,
    My husband and I are going on this trip. Are you the Lynn Stroud from Houston?
  • Just a heads up. When I went to my Chase branch yesterday to order some Russian rubles, my banker offered to put a travel alert on my debit card for me. When I gave him the dates and the countries we will be visiting, warnings came up on his screen. We will be able to use the debit card to get local currency in Lithuania, Estonia, & Finland but not in Latvia or Russia. The Chase system will refuse all debit card transactions from Latvia and Russia to prevent hackers from gaining entree to their customers' bank accounts. He said that it's okay to use charge cards.

    How I long for the days when we could readily use travelers' checks!

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