Spain and Portugal - Marbella

We will be on the Spain & Portugal Tour beginning Sept 22. Any ideas on what to do on our free day in Marbella?


  • Marbella is midway on the tour and is a good place for a relaxing day. There is a marble boardwalk that is great for walks, the town has good shops and there is a church worth seeing. Puerto Banús is close by as well. We mostly had an easy relaxing day there.
  • Marbella is very posh ))) A lot of rich people buy real estate in Spain especially this part...
    Weather now is great there, like +30C during day. Some people are still swimming in the sea so it's one of the options for you. Or you can visit some shops and of course Puerto Banus where most of the restaurants are and luxury yachts. Or you can go to Casco Antigua it is an old part of Marbella city, beautiful small streets with no cars. Perfect for walking. There are couple museums here. Or if you have a car you can visit also Ronda or Istan... These are small towns next to Marbella.

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