Scandinavia July 2018 - Binoculars?

According to the Tauck "what to pack" guide they suggest binoculars. Can anyone on past Scandinavia trips comment on if binoculars are good to have or not? Thanks


  • We almost always take a small pair of binoculars, but seldom use them. I have a camera with a long lens and that usually suffices for me.

    As to whether you need them for this trip, I would say probably not. The beauty of Scandinavia is mostly in the sweeping vistas (particularly in Norway) not in anything you need to get a closer view of. Maybe a glacier. I don't recall seeing any wildlife other than in a zoo. It's one of those things that I would treat as a suggestion, not a "you should do this." If you haven't said, "Gee, I wish I had binoculars with me" on other trips, you probably won't miss them here.

    Looking back at my pictures from the trip, the only places I might have used them were during boat tours in Copenhagen and Stockholm (we did these on our own - not part of the Tauck tour). Also, I might have used them to view Kronberg Castle (the model for Elsinore in Hamlet) from Sofiero Palace, across the Denmark Strait. That's about it. Others may feel differently.
  • I always have a pair in my backpack but have only used them maybe once and that was on a cruise ship to see a ship many miles away.
  • Thanks so much for the insight! One less package from Amazon!!

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