Nov 1 Grand Australia and New Zealand

Anyone going on the Nov 1st departure date? Im so looking forward to this trip.


  • Yes, hubby and I are also on the Nov 1 start date. We are traveling from Vancouver, WA. Trying to figure out probably weather and wardrobe choices. Just downloaded the Tauck app and am excited to see the countdown to trip start!
  • Ellen.. looking forward to meeting you and you hubby for this adventure. Just went on line and looked at weather.. looks like New Zealand can be anywhere from 42 to 65.. while depending on where in AU.. range from low 60 to high 80's. Will be interesting to pack.. lots of layers sounds right.
  • Hi, My husband, cousin, wife and I are doing the trip Nov.1 Looking forward to it! We are coming to LA the day before and staying at the Marriott. We are from Pa.
  • Hi fellow travelers,
    Is anyone getting to Melbourne on the 31st? Maybe we can meet for dinner that night.
    Barbara, I'm leaving the 29th from LAX on United. Are you by any chance going to be on that same flight?
    Looking forward to our trip and can wait to meet you all.
  • We are on American leaving 1020. Where are you staying in LA?
  • November 12 tour--I'll be traveling from Houston, arriving Sunday in Melbourne. I'm looking forward to meeting others from around the country. Is there anyone joining the tour from outside the US?
  • Hi Tidbit,
    I leave from SFO with a change in LA on United. I arrive in Melbourne on the 31st at 8:30 in the morning. You should be arriving about the same time. Looking forward to meeting you.


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