July 5, 2019 Voyage

I just thought I would try to wake up this venue. Only 322 days away, so it is time to smell the roses. We would normally be on the Wind Surf in January, but decided to head for the Panama Canal on Ponant instead. Very much looking forward to going aboard our old friend in July. This will be our eighth cruise on the Wind Surf.


  • OK. We now leave in 27 days. Anyone else out there on this trip. We are actually a group of three couples ... two from New Jersey and one from California.

  • Third trip with Sealord and his beautiful wife.

    No better company on the high seas...can wait

  • Thanks DrFun. I think we are all going to have a really good time. Onboard, the Compass Rose, and the Pool Bar are our favorite hangouts. And of course the Yacht Club for lattes and cappuccinos.

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