November 1st Australia & New Zealand trip

I'm currently booked on this tour as a single and can't wait. I'd love to get in touch with any other travelers on this tour. I live in Walnut Creek, CA. Has anyone booked any extra excursions in Melbourne or Sidney?


  • Hi, If you look down the posted messages you will see another thread with some fellow travelers on the Nov 1 trip. I also am researching things to do in Sydney. No decisions made yet but the trip advisor site is very informative. Getting excited but still stressing a bit on what to pack . Will pack light just want to have flexible choices. Looking forward to meeting you and the others.
  • Hi.. I am also on the Nov 1st trip going as a single and very psyched! I've not yet done much research for our free time. Welcome any ideas.. thinking to walk the famous bridge in Sydney. So looking forward to this trip. Heading there from Sarasota, FL.
  • Hi Claudia,
    I'm the traveler from Walnut Creek and can't wait for our trip. I'll be arriving on the 31st and I'm looking for something to do on the 1st. Do you have any plans? Maybe we can have dinner together on the 31st.
    Janet S

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