Wellington Weta Caves tour

We are going on the Oct. 15th Grand Australia and New Zealand trip. We are from Florida and will be arriving 2 days early and staying an extra day at the end to visit Hobbiton. Being a huge Lord of the Rings fan, is there time while in Wellington to visit Weta Caves?


  • We did this trip in March. I took am a LOTR geek. You will LOVE Hobbiton. We did that with Bush & Beach just before flying home. Yes, there is time on the afternoon of Day 12 to do a Weta Caves tour - after you have toured Wellington and the NZ museum. We didn't do this and I regret it. BTW - Weta did a display in the museum on WWI - absolutely fantastic. We did a LOTR tour in Queenstown of the Glenorchy area - sites where they filmed parts of the museum. OK, but I could have skipped and been fine with that.

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