November 14, 2018 Best of Hawaii tour

We are taking our family on this tour.(November 14, 2018) Is anyone else going on this one? We are traveling from MA and have made arrangement to get there a day before. If you've been on this tour is there anything you wish you knew before going? I read all the literature "before you go ... what to pack"etc. thanks! we are really looking forward to this trip!


  • edited October 2018
    Aloha. It's a wonderful trip. We arrived two days early in Honolulu and rented an auto to explore parts of the Island not covered by Tauck. We went up to the Bonzai Pipeline, ate at Giovanni's Shrimp Truck, and had shave ice at Matsumoto's. Our tour drove thru the Punchbowl Cemetery but they were not allowed to stop. If that's something of interest, then check it out. Tauck also drove by Diamond Head but did not enter the grounds.
  • To tag on to Ed's post...If you are interested in hiking and great views, get to Diamond Head when it opens (I think it was 6 AM) and hike to the top! The views are breathtaking and the hike is not too horrible (of course, I was 10 years younger when I did the hike...)!

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