Israel and Jordan -- November 11-24

Hello fellow travelers!

We are Mitch and Anne Grosky from Massachusetts, and we are excited to be going on our second Tauck tour (the first was to Tanzania and Kenya). We are both retired educators (teacher and principal) and we are both still involved in education and various community activities. We were hoping, through this forum, to get to know some of our traveling companions prior to the tour, so we can be even more excited about meeting you in person. Hoping people might respond and check in here with just a bit about yourselves--anything at all that you might like to share. We will be arriving Tel Aviv one day early and look forward to meeting you.

All our best,
Mitch and Anne


  • Hi Mitch, My husband and I are on this Nov. 11 trip. We will arrive on the 8th but are heading up north to visit friends for a few days. We will return to Tel Aviv for the start of the tour on the 11th. We live in northern Virginia and we are interested in history, art and architecture. Art and Rebecca Hotop
  • Hi Mitch. We are arriving on Nov 9, and staying at another hotel the first two nights then changing to the Intercontinental for the Tauck tour. Mike & Darlene
  • Hello, Art, Rebecca, Mike, and Darlene! Thank you so much for your response. We really look forward to meeting you. It will be an extraordinary trip, I am sure. See you all on our first night! Mitch and Anne

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