Dinner in hanoi

We will be arriving in Hanoi on dec 8 prior to our tour on dec 10.any suggestions for dinner that night? We leave early on dec 9 for a one night cruise on Halong Bay so we thought we would have dinner at one of the hotel restaurants or something near by. We will be staying at the Metropole Legend.


  • The night we got to Hanoi, it was late so we ate something quickly at one of the "bars" at the hotel, near the pool. The next night after our very long day in Halong Bay, we ate dinner at Spices Garden restaurant which was very good (also in the hotel). The "Bun Cha" was recommended to us and we both enjoyed it. We also had dinner at a restaurant walking distance to the hotel (about 1 1/2 blocks away) on another night which was recommended to us by some friends who had taken this tour and was on our Tauck Tour guide's list. It is called Ly Club. You can check out their menu online at lyclub.vn. This was our 11th Tauck tour and by far one of the best tours. The food for the most part was great. In Chang Mai at The Four Seasons Hotel, be sure to eat at the cooking school one night. It was only open one of the three nights we stayed there.
  • We were so tired from the trip that we just ate in the Executive Lounge of the Metropol. It was wonderful. Delicious food, great service . . . and you couldn't get any closer to your room!

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