Feb. 18, 2019 Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand trip fellow travelers?

My husband and I are arriving in Hanoi Feb.15. and we are looking for fellow travelers on this trip. We are from the Boston area. Maybe share a meal or tour? We are going over one night to Halong Bay cruise. Love to hear tips on packing, dressing, etc.


  • Hi, Debi. I'm on the other Tauck trip to Southeast Asia that begins on Feb. 20. It was difficult to decide which trip to take, but because I'm a solo traveler, I decided to opt for the one that included Ha Long Bay on the tour. I will be arriving in Hanoi on Feb. 19. I see that dinner is not included in your tour that night, and we are staying at the same hotel, so if I'm not too exhausted (after leaving Boston on the 17th) perhaps we could meet for dinner or a drink at the hotel. I would love to meet other Tauck travelers from the Boston area. I know that Alan has strongly suggested that we don't share e-mail addresses on this site, so I'm not sure how to get in touch with you, other than leaving a message at the hotel desk once we get there.

    Maureen Dwyer

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