Le Ponant - Sicily Amalfi Coast Small Ship Cruise

Can anyone comment on the motion on the boat? We have not taken a trip on such a small boat. Worried about getting sea sick! We love the river boat trips, but apprehensive about this small ship trip. We'll bring medication, but hate to be sleepy the entire trip! Thanks for your comments!


  • We took this trip in June, 2018. The motion of the boat is going to be somewhat dependent on weather - and your body's tolerance of motion will be a factor in how you react as well. We had two nights where we felt the motion of the ship - one time it extended into the early morning (breakfast). Overall, it was not an issue for us or for most of our fellow travelers. My husband and I didn't experience any "motion sickness." Several people wore sea bands as a precaution. We had a wonderful trip and really enjoyed the small ship experience. I hope you have a great time!
  • edited January 2019
    We took a Ponant cruise in New Zealand. If the weather kicks up, you do feel some motion. When we were in the Cook Strait, we got choppy enough that the crew hung motion sickness bags from the grab rails throughout the ship. Still, we didn't have any problem with seasickness.

    As an alternative to drugs, consider taking some ginger chew candies with you (available at most supplement stores - like GNC or online at Amazon). The ginger does a remarkably good job of calming minor nausea. You can always take the drugs if things get really bad.
  • With regard to Sea sickness, which indeed is a possibility with the small ship cruise, try the "dramamine - Natural' --- it really does work and without the drowsiness, due in fact that it's with Ginger! Worked marvelously with me, going around Cuba! The Amalfi coast will be breathtaking - don't waste those 'breathes' on sickness!!

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