How much walking on this tour?

Would love to do the Yosemite and Sequoia tour but am concerned about the amount of walking. Although I can do stairs and walk a bit, I can’t walk that far because of knee problems. Does anyone know how much walking is actually involved in this tour?



  • We took this tour last year. If you can't walk far you will miss a lot. The unguided walk at Muir Woods is a mile or so but you could get the flavor of the place if you don't walk far in. At Sequoia there is a half mile downhill guided walk to the General Sherman tree. Also at Sequoia we had a guided walk on the Big Trees Trail, 2/3 of a mile and flat. Moro Rock is steep with lots of stairs but not everyone did the climb. At the Wuksachi Lodge the main building with the restaurant is about a 5 minute walk from the buildings with the rooms. Glacier Point is about a five minute walk from the parking lot.

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