Amazing Trip

Just returned from a fantastic trip with our kids and grandchildren. The Bridge Tour Alaska: "Call of the Wild". Anita our tour guide was exceptional. Even though the tour was packed with daily activities it was organized so well that we never felt that it was too much to do in one day. The activities were exceptional and consisted of experiences that would have been impossible to do on our own. Nine of us were traveling together and Anita saw that we even had a plane to ourselves with the pilot when Flight-seeing near Denali, and arranged table of 9 for some of our included dinners. Several of the kids were crying at the end of the tour because they didn't want it to be over. There were 44 people on our tour but it never felt like to many. We lucked out with the weather since even though it was hot, we had beautiful sunny days. Beware the hotels are not air conditioned but we come from Florida so we didn't mind the heat. Pat our bus driver was also fantastic. The best part of the tour was learning about early settlers and the obstacles they overcame to live in Alaska. I know none of us will ever forget this amazing trip.

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