Float Plane Accident
The company that Tauck uses for the float plane trip (Rust Flying Services) was involved in an accident on 7/21/19 during which a customer died and others were injured. The accident occurred at takeoff. According to news reports, Rust has suspended operations. I just called Tauck and the travel consultant was not aware of this. She promised to look into it and get back in touch with me. I suggested that Tauck contact all of their customers who have reservations. The alternative to the float plane trip is a 3-4 hour bus ride.
When we did the tour, we were unable to do the float plane trip because of bad weather. The bus ride wasn't that bad and we got full refunds for the missed plane ride.
More information about float planeshttps://www.cbsnews.com/news/floatplane-safety-ntsb-issues-warning-after-third-alaska-crash-2019-05-22/