Traveling to Israel/Jordan

My husband and I will be on the Israel/Jordan tour Sept.18, any tips for good restaurants for dinner in any of the cities? Tips? Anyone else on trip from southern California?


  • We did this trip in October 2018 and it was outstanding! One of our favorite TAUCK trips. The food is very fresh and really good on this trip. Not a lot of time to go out on your own to eat unless you decide not to go with the group some evening. We did just that one night at the incredible Waldorf Astoria in Jerusalem. We were very tired and just decided to have a great meal and a few drinks at the hotel restaurant. Our other recommendation is in Haifa (see below). Instead of eating at the very average restaurant in the hotel we went across the street to "The Wine Bar". A tip if you get in a day early and just want to take it easy because of jet lag is to take a walk along the beach which is right next to the hotel and then walk to the ancient food and goodies Carmel (I believe) market only 2 blocks from the hotel. It is a great place to take your time and spend a few hours.

    As you can imagine it is a lot of history and it was so enjoyable. Be prepared for a lot of walking. Our TD estimated the tour required 39 miles of walking. We estimate that with the walking we did on our own we probably did 50. But that's a good thing with all the great food on the trip. Best highlights? For us there were many. Going to and touching the Western Wall, seeing where Jesus was born and receiving communion during Mass in the church (our tour came at the right time), the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, Masada, Petra, Bethlehem, and Haifa! The second night in Haifa we sat at the small Wine Bar across the street from the hotel, had a light meal, drank wine and talked to the owner about Israel for hours. It was fantastic! Another highlight was visiting a Jewish family for dinner on Shabatt. It was simply an incredible evening.

    Thing to be careful about? The camel ride in Petra. The group walks to the bottom of the canyon, has lunch then everyone takes a camel ride halfway up the canyon and a donkey and cart ride the rest of the way up. Not mandatory but our entire group went on the ride. The camels are uncomfortable but the ride is very exciting but we had a herdsman who walloped our camel so much so our group called our camels - two tethered together - the Ferrari camels. We basically sped up the canyon bouncing around hard. Not good for a bad back. Just something to think about. We felt safer on this trip then anywhere we've been. It was an incredible journey so much so that we took over 2,000 photos and did a 110 page Shutterfly album. The memories will last forever. ENJOY !!!

  • Momograce - so how was your trip ??

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