Adventure in Iceland

This was an outstanding adventure to a unique part of the world. We were lucky to have excellent weather with temps in 50's and no rain. The ship experience was first rate and was filled with Tauck guests. I do think they are more accustomed to dealing with European passengers, thus bartenders not familiar with some American cocktails and limited selections of bourbon. No big deal. As always, Tauck directors were super. Marco was particularly helpful to us on the last day of the trip. We opted for the hotel package at the end of the trip and arrived at the hotel with no idea of our departure details for the next morning. Marco was officially off duty but also staying at our hotel. We tracked him down in the lobby and he immediately got hold of Tauck tour director still on the ship who faxed our info. I hope he was as successful helping the couple whose reservation had been lost by the hotel. This is the trip if you want to see whales, birds, lava fields, waterfalls and geysers. Also do not miss the Blue Lagoon on the last day. Do not be put off by the pre-dip preparations.

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