Electric adapter plugs

Don’t know if this has been a problem before; I haven’t found mention of it in other posts.

I have sacks of different adapter plugs and I decided to check which is used in Australia and New Zealand. Lo and behold, both countries use type i - the only other places using type i are parts of China and Argentina! Type i has three flat prongs: a vertical one on top and two below in a “V” shape.

Fortunately I found one in my sack of “exotic” plugs. If you don’t have a type i, you may have a “universal” adapter that will work. It’s worth checking. The Green Book only offers generic information to “be careful you have the appropriate adapter for your destination.”


  • You can also use a two prong plug that has the angled prongs, so long as your device doesn't have a three prong plug (i.e. no ground).

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