Great Trip to Puglia

Just came back from amazing journey in Puglia. Highly recommend this trip for all. The sassi of Matera was incredible! Make sure you explore it. The history and culinary delights will amaze you. The food, contrary to believe, was delicious. All the stops on this tour were fantastic. The Masseria you stay and dine at are beautiful and the food is extraordinary! We were led by our tour director , Anna, who could not have been a better representative of what makes Tauck tours great. We was charming, knowledgeable, and caring. Thank you Anna.


  • Did this trip along with V/F/R in Oct. 2019.Thoroughly enjoyed it as this area of Italy is completely different from the north. Food and accommodations were excellent. Glad u enjoyed.

  • What is the dress for men at Masseria? Casual as in jeans or should men wear nice long pants?

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