December 27 Brussels Christmas Market Cruise

Kudos to Tauck for replacing the Netherlands portion of this upcoming trip with more time in Bruge and opportunities to explore in Dusseldorf and Cologne. It may sound cheesy, but it's a gouda change of itinerary.


  • 5g- You may want to delete this post and repost in the proper forum.

  • edited December 2021

    you have this posted in the Jordan and Egypt section, you may want to move it to 'General' or "Xmas Markets"

    Are you saying the YuleTide itinerary changed? I don't see any changes? Or was this just for this year due to Covid? Please explain - we are booked on the YuleTide one for 2023, but we are considering changing to the Rhine because the people we are traveling want to see more 'traditional' Xmas Markets and we know the ones in Holland/Belgium won't be as spectacular as the ones in Germany.

  • Yes, Ken from Vegas, I should have deleted, but Hey terrilynn! The itinerary was revised to go to Dusseldorf and Cologne since the Netherlands had shut down due to Covid. This was our 4th Christmas cruise with Tauck and we are going with our family next Christmas on the Danube. If you want markets, two observations: the two early cruise dates will provide the best opportunity to enjoy them. Second, you may want to check the Yule Tide with Tauck to confirm markets will be open. Many close a day or two before Christmas. I think your friends are correct about the traditional markets along the Rhine. The scenery is more dramatic with numerous castles along the river. Either way, the Tauck crews have always been exceptional and the talent Tauck brings to the boat for evening performances have been distinctive and/or novel!

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