Dinner reservations on board the Silver Shadow?

Hi - we are doing the Alaska Inside Passage cruise, and we would love to dine in the La Dame Restaurant on the Silver Shadow. Does anyone know how to go about getting a reservation there? Can it be done before the cruise begins? Thanks!


  • You will be able to make reservations up to 120 days to seven days before sailing for dinner reservations at La Dame restaurant or optional shore excursions as well as the spa online. We leave on 21 July so just recently we made our reservations. However, we are traveling with Silversea and not Tauck on this trip.

  • We have cruised on Silver Shadow but I don’t remember La Dama. The food on the ‘Shadow’ was great, and your butler can certainly make reservations for you. I would be surprised if they booked up pre-cruise, because their ‘normal’ menu is quite good.

  • edited December 2021

    I agree with Sealord that the food and service was exceptional on Silversea. La Dame cost an extra $60.00 per person and while the restaurant is certainly more intimate the food was much the same as in the main restaurant. One couple mentioned that the wines were better quality. Again, I didn’t noticed the difference but I am not wine connoisseur. The night we went there was a few empty tables. This was on our Iceland trip but we are going to Alaska this July with Silversea and on the same ship.

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