Help with Peru's form Affidavit of Health and Geolocation Authorization

We are starting to prepare for our March trip. To enter Peru you must submit this form on line and carry a copy of it with you. It can be found at,
But is very confusing to fill out as it appears to have multiple purposes and no helpful instructions. I would very much appreciate seeing a correctly completed example or a pointer to instructions.
As I understand it, one of the purposes is to have our contact information and itinerary should contact tracing be necessary.
Some of my questions are:
There appears to be only one space to put your residence (hotel?). Since we are staying in multiple places, how do we list them?
What is the right format to list our phone numbers,- the form asks for city codes.
The form asks for other people in your party who isolate with you. – Not sure if this is to be filled out unless covid is detected and we are quarantined.
I assume that the document type we are supposed to choose is Pass and the document number is our passport… is that correct?
I’m a bit surprised that no one else has brought this up. Maybe I’m missing something. In any case help would be appreciated.


  • Robert_Sweeney3,

    You will find the correct form, including step-by-step instructions by going to Tauck's website and clicking on the latest travel updates dated 14 Jan. Look for your tour and open the requirements. Good luck.

  • Many thanks for the reference. It's very helpful.

  • My pleasure. Safe travels!

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