Dock in Brussels

We arrive in Brussels May 8 at the end of Holland Brussels in Spring. From there we are traveling to Hamburg by train. Is Brussels Nord the closest station to Tauck dock? Please advise tips. Thank you.


  • Based on the location of the canal, you're probably right about Brussels Nord being the closest station. You could call Tauck if you're really interested. However, my guess is that Tauck will provide you with a transfer to whichever of the three main Brussels train stations that is most convenient for you. You can check this by logging in and looking at the transfer options. Choose "Train" and the drop down list will show you the options. If they don't provide access to all the stations (I would be surprised), be aware that commuter trains run constantly between the three stations and it's easy to get between them.

  • Very helpful and thanks, Ken. Looks like Central and Midi, and not Nord, are offered. I can make arrangements from that info.

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